Accepted Paper
Inserted: 7 oct 2019
Last Updated: 9 oct 2020
Journal: Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
Year: 2019
We consider the nonexistence of minimizers for a energy containing a nonlocal perimeter with a general kernel $K$, a Riesz potential, and a background potential in $\mathbb{R}^N$ with $N\geq 2$ under the volume constraint. We show that the energy has no minimizer with a sufficiently large mass under suitable assumptions on $K$. The proof is based on the partition of a minimizer and the comparison of the sum of the energy for each part with the energy for the original configuration. This strategy is shown in [R.L. Frank, R. Killip, and P.T. Nam, (2016)] and [D.A. La Manna, (2018)].