Published Paper
Inserted: 10 sep 2019
Journal: Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
Volume: 128
Year: 2019
Doi: 10.1016/j.matpur.2019.06.009
This paper deals with solutions to the equation \begin{equation} -\Delta u = \lambda+ \left(u+\right){q-1} - \lambda- \left(u-\right){q-1} \quad \text{in $B_1$} \end{equation} where $\lambda_+,\lambda_- > 0$, $q \in (0,1)$, $B_1=B_1(0)$ is the unit ball in $\R^N$, $N \ge 2$, and $u^+:= \max\{u,0\}$, $u^-:= \max\{-u,0\}$ are the positive and the negative part of $u$, respectively. We extend to this class of \emph{singular} equations the results recently obtained in \cite{SoTe2018} for \emph{sublinear and discontinuous} equations, $1\leq q<2$, namely: (a) the finiteness of the vanishing order at every point and the complete characterization of the order spectrum; (b) a weak non-degeneracy property; (c) regularity of the nodal set of any solution: the nodal set is a locally finite collection of regular codimension one manifolds up to a residual singular set having Hausdorff dimension at most $N-2$ (locally finite when $N=2$). As an intermediate step, we establish the regularity of a class of \emph{not necessarily minimal} solutions.
The proofs are based on a priori bounds, monotonicity formul\ae \ for a $2$-parameter family of Weiss-type functionals, blow-up arguments, and the classification of homogenous solutions.