Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

S. Neukamm - H. Olbermann

Homogenization of the nonlinear bending theory for plates

created by olbermann on 23 Jul 2019



Inserted: 23 jul 2019

Year: 2013

ArXiv: 1305.6763 PDF


We carry out the spatially periodic homogenization of nonlinear bending theory for plates. The derivation is rigorous in the sense of Gamma-convergence. In contrast to what one naturally would expect, our result shows that the limiting functional is not simply a quadratic functional of the second fundamental form of the deformed plate as it is the case in nonlinear plate theory. It turns out that the limiting functional discriminates between whether the deformed plate is locally shaped like a "cylinder" or not. For the derivation we investigate the oscillatory behavior of sequences of second fundamental forms associated with isometric immersions, using two-scale convergence. This is a non-trivial task, since one has to treat two-scale convergence in connection with a nonlinear differential constraint.