Published Paper
Inserted: 7 dec 2018
Last Updated: 12 oct 2022
Journal: Differential Geometry and its Applications
Volume: 85
Year: 2022
Doi: 10.1016/j.difgeo.2022.101952
With a view toward sub-Riemannian geometry, we introduce and study H-type foliations. These structures are natural generalizations of K-contact geometries which encompass as special cases K-contact manifolds, twistor spaces, 3K contact manifolds and H-type groups. Under an horizontal Ricci curvature lower bound, we prove on those structures sub-Riemannian diameter upper bounds and first eigenvalue estimates for the sub-Laplacian. Then, using a result by Moroianu-Semmelmann, we classify the H-type foliations that carry a parallel horizontal Clifford structure. Finally, we prove an horizontal Einstein property and compute the horizontal Ricci curvature of those spaces in codimension more than 2.