Published Paper
Inserted: 15 oct 2017
Last Updated: 1 feb 2019
Journal: J. London Math. Soc.
Volume: 99
Number: 1
Pages: 31-51
Year: 2019
We consider a planar geometric flow in which the normal velocity is a nonlocal variant of the curvature. The flow is not scaling invariant and in fact has different behaviors at different spatial scales, thus producing phenomena that are different with respect to both the classical mean curvature flow and the fractional mean curvature flow. In particular, we give examples of neckpinch singularity formation, we show that sets with "sufficiently small interior" remain convex under the flow, but, on the other hand, in general the flow does not preserve convexity. We also take into account traveling waves for this geometric flow, showing that a new family of $C^2$ and convex traveling sets arises in this setting.