Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

W. Borrelli

Stationary solutions for the 2D critical Dirac equation with Kerr nonlinearity

created by borrelli on 15 Sep 2017
modified on 29 Sep 2017


Published paper

Inserted: 15 sep 2017
Last Updated: 29 sep 2017

Journal: Journal of Differential Equations
Year: 2017

ArXiv: 1706.09785v1 PDF


In this paper we prove the existence of an exponentially localized stationary solution for a two-dimensional cubic Dirac equation. It appears as an eff ective equation in the description of nonlinear waves for some Condensed Matter (Bose-Einstein condensates) and Nonlinear Optics (optical bers) systems. The nonlinearity is of Kerr-type, that is of the form $\vert\psi\vert^{2}\psi$ and thus not Lorenz-invariant. We solve compactness issues related to the critical Sobolev embedding $H^{\frac{1}{2}}(\mathbb{R}^{2};\mathbb{C}^{2})\hookrightarrow L^{4}(\mathbb{R}^{2};\mathbb{C}^{2})$ thanks to a particular radial ansatz. Our proof is then based on elementary dynamical systems arguments.

Keywords: cubic Dirac equation, graphene, shooting method, nonlinear waves