Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

M. Morandotti

Structured Deformations of Continua: Theory and Applications

created by morandott on 06 Feb 2017
modified on 10 May 2018



Inserted: 6 feb 2017
Last Updated: 10 may 2018

Journal: Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications II
Pages: 125-136
Year: 2018
Doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-6283-4_11

ArXiv: 1702.02105 PDF

Proceedings volume of the conference CoMFoS16

Links: proceedings contribution, proceedings volume


The scope of this contribution is to present an overview of the theory of structured deformations of continua, together with some applications. Structured deformations aim at being a unified theory in which elastic and plastic behaviours, as well as fractures and defects can be described in a single setting. Since its introduction in the scientific community of rational mechanicists (Del Piero-Owen, ARMA 1993), the theory has been put in the framework of variational calculus (Choksi-Fonseca, ARMA 1997), thus allowing for solution of problems via energy minimization. Some background, three problems and a discussion on future directions are presented.
