Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

M. Caponi

Linear Hyperbolic Systems in Domains with Growing Cracks

created by caponi on 27 Jan 2017
modified on 27 May 2017


Published Paper

Inserted: 27 jan 2017
Last Updated: 27 may 2017

Journal: Milan J. Math.
Volume: 85
Pages: 149-185
Year: 2017
Doi: 10.1007/s00032-017-0268-7
Links: Journal site


We consider the hyperbolic system $\ddot u-{\rm div}\,(\mathbb A\nabla u)=f$ in the time varying cracked domain $\Omega\setminus\Gamma_t$, where the set $\Omega\subset\mathbb R^d$ is open, bounded, and with Lipschitz boundary, the cracks $\Gamma_t$, $t\in[0,T]$, are closed subsets of $\overline\Omega$, increasing with respect to inclusion, and $u(t):\Omega\setminus\Gamma_t\to\mathbb R^d$ for every $t\in[0,T]$. We assume the existence of suitable regular changes of variables, which reduce our problem to the transformed system $\ddot v-{\rm div}\,(\mathbb B\nabla v)+\mathbf a\nabla v -2\nabla\dot vb=g$ on the fixed domain $\Omega\setminus\Gamma_0$. Under these assumptions, we obtain existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for these two problems. Moreover, we show an energy equality for the functions $v$, which allows us to prove a continuous dependence result for both systems. The same study has already been carried out in $[3,7]$ in the scalar case.
