Submitted Paper
Inserted: 10 jan 2017
Last Updated: 11 jan 2017
Year: 2017
By means of a variational approach we rigorously deduce three one-dimensional models for elastic ribbons from the theory of von Kármán plates, passing to the limit as the width of the plate goes to zero. The one-dimensional model found starting from the “linearized” von Kármán energy corresponds to that of a linearly elastic beam that can twist but can deform in just one plane; while the model found from the von Kármán energy is a non-linear model that comprises stretching, bendings, and twisting. The “constrained” von Kármán energy, instead, leads to a new Sadowsky type of model.
Keywords: Gamma-convergence, Elastic ribbons, von Kármán plates, Sadowsky functional