Published Paper
Inserted: 3 dec 2013
Last Updated: 21 apr 2018
Journal: SIAM Numer. Anal.
Year: 2013
We consider the multiphase shape optimization problem
$\min\Big\{\sum_{i=1}^h\big(\lambda_1(\Omega_i)+c \vert
\Omega_i \vert
\big):\ \Omega_i\ \hbox{open},\ \Omega_i\subset D,\ \Omega_i\cap\Omega_j=\emptyset \Big\},$
where $c>0$ is a given constant and $D\subset\mathbb{R}^2$ is a bounded open set with Lipschitz boundary. We give some new results concerning the qualitative properties of the optimal sets and the regularity of the corresponding eigenfunctions. We also provide some numerical results for the optimal configuration.
Keywords: monotonicity formula, shape optimization, eigenvalues, multiphase, optimal partition