Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

K. Khanin - A. Sobolevski

On dynamics of Lagrangian trajectories for Hamilton-Jacobi equations

created by sobolevsk on 29 Nov 2012


Submitted Paper

Inserted: 29 nov 2012
Last Updated: 29 nov 2012

Year: 2012


Characteristic curves of a Hamilton-Jacobi equation can be seen as action minimizing trajectories of fluid particles. However this description is valid only for smooth solutions. For non-smooth "viscosity" solutions, which give rise to discontinuous velocity fields, this picture holds only up to the moment when trajectories hit a shock and cease to minimize the Lagrangian action. In this paper we show that for any convex Hamiltonian, a viscous regularization allows to construct a non-smooth flow that extends particle trajectories and determines dynamics inside the shock manifolds. This flow consists of integral curves of a particular velocity field, which is uniquely defined everywhere in the flow domain and is discontinuous on shock manifolds.
