Published Paper
Inserted: 20 jun 2012
Last Updated: 11 jan 2017
Journal: European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids
Volume: 39
Pages: 163 -169
Year: 2013
Doi: 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2012.11.006
In this work we show that the framework put forward by Lucchesi, Silhavy and Zani to study the equilibrium configurations of panels made of no-tension material can be easily extended to the case of a no-tension material with a reinforcing tensile resistant unidimensional material. This kind of bodies could be used to describe reinforced concrete structures. By solving the equilibrium equations we find a family of solutions each of which is characterized by a singular curve where the stress in the no-tension material concentrates. We show that among these, the curve that minimizes the maximum stress resembles the line tension found experimentally on reinforced concrete beams.