Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

D. Mugnai

Asymptotic behaviour, nodal lines and symmetry properties for solutions of superlinear elliptic equations near an eigenvalue

created by mugnai on 07 Nov 2007


Published Paper

Inserted: 7 nov 2007

Volume: 11
Number: 4
Pages: 508-521
Year: 2005


We give the precise behaviour of some solutions of a nonlinear elliptic B.V.P. in a bounded domain when a parameter approaches an eigenvalue of the principal part. If the nonlinearity has some regularity and the domain is for example convex, we also prove a nonlinear version of Courant's Nodal Theorem.

Keywords: eigenvalues, $L^\infty-H_0^1$ estimate, nodal lines, symmetries
