Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Post-doc in SISSA on analysis on metric spaces

created by gigli on 22 Sep 2020

A post-doc position on analysis on metric spaces is now open in SISSA.

Basic informations:

- this is a 2-years position starting in November 2020, renewable for a third year

- net salary of about 1800Eur per month.

- the deadline for the application is the 19th of October 2020.

- the position will start the 1st of November and by that time the successful candidate will have to officially be in Trieste. For EU citizens this is easy to do: they have to produce a self-declaration saying that they live in some given apartment in Trieste. In other words, having a place where to stay in Trieste is sufficient to meet the requirements.

All the informations can be found at:


please circulate this information among potentially interested candidates,

With my best regards, Nicola

Posted by: gigli