Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

server improvements

created by paolini on 13 May 2017

Dear CVGMT user,

I would like to inform you that the preprint server

has been updated with some new features. Feel free to contact me if you find any problem. Also please contact me if you have some suggestion for next features to be implemented. Here is a list of what has been done:

1. the insertion of person names (in paper authors, event speakers etc.) has been simplified. Now when you write the first letters of the lastname you get a list of persons that are already in the database. You can select one person and both lastname and firstname are inserted.

2. due to the previous complicated insertion method, the database included a lot of duplicated entries (400+). Most of them have been cleaned and merged. Many people will find some new items in their personal page that were previously associated with a duplicated name. Of course: please contact me if you see any mistake!

3. arXiv tools have been implemented. Each paper can be connected to an arXiv abstract and each author can be connected to an arXiv author name. When creating a paper you can decide to import it from arXiv. Connected papers can be updated from arXiv data. In your personal page you can manage all your arXiv papers: add them if not present in CVGMT or update them.

4. crm event import. When creating an event it is now possible to import it from the crm (Centro De Giorgi) server. The server imports all related Seminars and Persons. It keeps track of connected objects to avoid duplications. The import procedure is however not completely stable... in some cases it might fail. You can simulate the import before actually performing it.

5. a google calendar has been connected to the server. Each seminar and event is inserted in the calendar. The information is kept up-to-date when the seminar or event is modified. The google calendar is presented in the bottom of the main page of the server. The calendar is public, so anyone can include it in its google calendars (and, I believe, in your smartphone calendar application). You can also access the calendar events from the seminar or event page: there you can decide to copy the single calendar event in your personal calendar.

6. other fixes and small improvements have been implemented.

Some final notes and credits.

The code base of the server has been shared with the GeCoGeDi geometry group: Many thanks to Giovanni Mascellani who contributed back with many bug-fixes, cleaning and improvements to the code.

Of course many thanks are due to Andrea Mennucci who manages the server hosting, administration and configuration in Scuola Normale. Also many thanks go to Carlo Mantegazza and Luigi Ambrosio who started and continuously supported this project.

Posted by: paolini