Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

June 3 - 7, 2024 - Taiwan NCTS/NTNU Conference on Fractional Integrals and Related Phenomena in Analysis

created by spector on 15 May 2024
modified on 22 May 2024

Aim & Scope

This is the second conference on fractional integrals and related phenomena in analysis. The aim of this conference is to continue to gather together researchers working on various problems involving fractional integrals, the Hausdorff content, fractional maximal functions, and related phenomena and provide them with an opportunity to present their latest results. As in the previous conference in this ongoing series, our goal is to work to build a critical mass of researchers, thereby increasing the impact of results this community has been working on. Toward progress on open questions and the crystallization of interesting research directions, we will organize a problem session to facilitate additional focused interaction of the participants.

Invited Speakers

Naoya Hatano (Chuo University)

Ritva Hurri-Syrjänen (University of Helsinki)$^*$

Sanghyuk Lee (Seoul National University)

Ji Li (Macquarie University)

Phuc Nguyen (Louisiana State University)

Carlos Perez (University of the Basque Country UPVEHU and BCAM)

Bogdan Raita (Georgetown University)

Hiroki Saito (Nihon University)

Eric Sawyer (McMaster University) $\textbf{[Online]}$

Dmitriy Stolyarov (St. Petersburg State University)

Hitoshi Tanaka (National University Corporation Tsukuba University of Technology)

Alexander Volberg (Michigan State University)$^*$

Julian Weigt (University of Warwick)


Join Zoom Meeting https:/us02web.zoom.usj87303952902

Meeting ID: 873 0395 2902

Posted by: spector