26 may 2025 - 29 may 2025 [open in google calendar]
Politecnico di Torino
A Ph.D. level course in Geometric Analysis will take place at the Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA) of Politecnico di Torino on May 26-27-28-29, 2025.
The course is composed by two parts which will be held by Prof. Serena Dipierro (UWA) and Prof. Enrico Valdinoci (UWA).
Title of the course: Nonlocal minimal surfaces and long-range phase transitions
The lectures will be held in Aula Buzano (DISMA) with the following (temptative) schedule:
Lecture 1: 9:30-11:30, May 26-27-28-29 Lecture 2: 11:30-13:30, May 26-27-28-29
Organizers: Alessandro Audrito, Debora Impera, Luca Lussardi, Michele Rimoldi.
Speakers: Serena Dipierro, Enrico Valdinoci.