10 mar 2025 - 6 jun 2025 [open in google calendar]
Politecnico di Milano
Dear colleagues and friends, it is a pleasure to announce the
Intensive Period "Quantum Mathematics @ Polimi" (QMP25)
which will take place at the Department of Mathematics of Politecnico di Milano in the spring of 2025, as part of the activities of Dipartimento di Eccellenza 2023-2027.
The Intensive Period will have a broad focus on the mathematical methods for few- and many-body quantum systems, topological phases of matter, spectral and operator theory. The program will start with the
Kick-off Meeting on March 10th and 11th 2025 with speakers from mathematical physics and theoretical physics.
It will further include:
Four thematic mini-courses held by Jussi Berndt (TU Graz), Ángela Capel Cuevas (University of Cambridge), Dirk Hundertmark (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie), Douglas Lundholm (Uppsala Universitet).
Workshop "Mathematics of Condensed Matter Systems" (26-30 May 2025).
Workshop "Recent advances in operator theory and its applications" (3-6 June 2025), jointly organized with A. De Martino (Polimi) and P. Schlosser (TU Graz).
Thematic days on Probabilistic Methods for Open Quantum Systems, jointly organized with F. Fagnola (Polimi) and A. Lucia (UC Madrid).
Thematic days on Quantum Information, Entanglement, and Causality, jointly organized with A. Lucia (UC Madrid) and G. Valente (Polimi).
Participation to all activities is free, upon mandatory registration which can be performed through each event webpage.
Contributed talk sessions will be scheduled during the workshops and financial support will be offered to a limited number of early-career researchers. Deadlines for applications will appear on each event webpage.
For any information or inquiry you are welcome to contact us at qmp25-dmat@polimi.it.
We look forward to welcoming you in Milan in the spring of 2025!
Organizers: Davide Fermi, Massimo Moscolari , Alessandro Olgiati.