Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Summer School "Mathematical Analysis and Applications”

created by mora on 07 Nov 2024
modified on 12 Nov 2024

9 jun 2025 - 13 jun 2025   [open in google calendar]

Villa del Grumello, Como (Italy)

The Summer School Mathematical Analysis and Applications will take place at Villa del Grumello, Como (Italy) in the week June 9 - 13, 2025, as part of the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies program.

The school aims at offering an overview of some of the most recent advancements in the area of Mathematical Analysis and its applications, and at introducing Ph.D. students and young researchers to a range of fascinating problems in this research field.

Lectures will be given by:

Ilaria Fragalà (Politecnico di Milano)
Giovanni Leoni (Carnegie Mellon University)
Alexander Mielke (Weierstraß-Institut Berlin).

The target audience includes Ph.D. students (but also advanced Master students or post-docs) in PDE’s, Calculus of Variations, Applied Mathematics, Probability, and related fields, and, more generally, anyone interested in interacting with the lecturers and in learning about the most recent developments.

Further information will be published soon on this page.

Organizers: Maria Giovanna Mora, Giuseppe Savaré.