10 jun 2025 - 19 jun 2025 [open in google calendar]
Dep. of Mathematics (Pisa Univ.) and Centro di Ricerca Matematica E. De Giorgi.
The School gathers well-established international experts in Geometric Measure Theory and some related areas of research. The aim of the School is to provide courses and seminars that cover various aspects of the recent research in Geometric Measure Theory and its connections with Geometric Analysis and PDE.
Organizers: Giovanni Alberti, Valentino Magnani, Annalisa Massaccesi, Emanuele Paolini.
Speakers: Marianna Csörnyei, Antonio De Rosa, Francesco Maggi, Annalisa Massaccesi, Emanuel Milman, Mihalis Mourgoglou, Reinaldo Resende, Giorgio Stefani, Francesca Tripaldi, Robert Young.