Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

PDE Festival@UniMi

created by stuvard on 07 Oct 2024

13 nov 2024 - 15 nov 2024

Università degli Studi di Milano, Room C11, Via Mangiagalli 25, Milano (Italy)

The PDE group of the University of Milan is organizing a first transversal workshop on PDEs and their applications to be held in Milano from November 13th to November 15th, 2024. Under the name PDE Festival@UniMi, the workshop aims to promote and celebrate recent trends in the field. A large variety of topics will be covered, including inverse problems and applications, nonlocal problems, nonlinear elliptic PDEs, fluid dynamics and dispersive PDEs, geometric analysis and geometric flows, with the intent that all of the talks should be comprehensible to a general PDE audience in order to encourage the interaction among experts in different research areas.

A preliminary list of scientific activities as well as some practical information about the venue are contained in the website linked below.

The website also contains a registration form. Registration for participants is free, but mandatory, and should be submitted before November 4th.

Organizers: Andrea Aspri, Claudia Bucur, Marta Calanchi, Cecilia Cavaterra, Riccardo Montalto, Kevin Payne, Salvatore Stuvard.

Speakers: Michele Coti Zelati, Guido De Philippis, Alberto Enciso, Alberto Farina, Massimo Grossi, Matthew Gursky, Jonas Hirsch, Barbara Kaltenbacher, Carlo Mantegazza, Maria Medina de la Torre, Matteo Novaga, Filomena Pacella, Gigliola Staffilani, Susanna Terracini.
