Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

''Italian-Japanese Workshop on Variational Perspectives for PDEs''

created by rocca on 16 May 2024

9 sep 2024 - 13 sep 2024   [open in google calendar]


We are pleased to announce

The ''Italian-Japanese Workshop on Variational Perspectives for PDEs''

that will be held in Pavia, Italy, on September 9-13, 2024.

Therefore, we are writing to you to share some infos regarding the Workshop. We have prepared a poster that we attach to this email and the web page.

You can find more information at the Workshop web-page:


Attendance is free but registration is mandatory on this link and registration will be closed once reached the room capacity. In attachment you can find the poster.

We look forward to meeting you in Pavia in September!

The Organizers Goro Akagi Toyohiko Aiki Pierluigi Colli Takeshi Fukao Elisabetta Rocca Giulio Schimperna Antonio Segatti Laura Spinolo

If you are interested in participating to the event, please fill in the registration form.