Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory


created by ferrieroa on 15 Jun 2010
modified on 28 Apr 2017

20 sep 2010 - 18 dec 2010   [open in google calendar]


A. Volberg, A. Vasseur, B. Kirchheim, C. De Lellis, C. Niche, C. Fefferman, D. Lannes, D. Li, D Chae, E. Titi, F. Maggi, G. Koch, H. Nussenzveig Lopes, J. Kristensen, J. Wu, J. L. Rodrigo, K. Astala, L. Szekelyhidi Jr., L. Berselli, M. Paicu, P. Constantin, R. Strain, G. R. Mingione, S. Conti, X. Zhong, T. Iwaniec.

The Trimester will be held at ICMAT, Campus of Cantoblanco of UAM, Madrid - Spain

The registration is free, but compulsory. The persons who wish to attend to the Trimester should register before July 30th, 2010. For the registration procedure:


The intensive research program is focused on the interaction between the vectorial Calculus of Variations, Singular Integrals and the Mathematical Analysis of Fluids. It will consist in short courses and talks aiming to bring together experts in those fields as well as providing a coherent introduction to the different subjects for young researchers whose participation is encouraged.

Yours Sincerely,

Organizing Committee: A. Castro, D. Córdoba, D. Faraco, A. Ferriero, F. Gancedo, R. Orive, R. Granero.