24 jun 2024 - 28 jun 2024 [open in google calendar]
Department of Mathematics, Sapienza, Rome
We aim at bringing together experts in Calculus of Variations, Geometric Measure Theory, and their applications, to both stimulate interest in young researchers and graduate students, and to favor interactions among more experienced researchers, in an informal style.
The format is the following:
- 4 mini-courses (2 lectures of 2 hours each); - 6 research seminars (1 hour each).
The mini-courses will be held by Alessio Figalli, Maria Giovanna Mora, Filippo Santambrogio, and Dejan Slepčev.
The research seminars will be held by Mikaela Iacobelli, Heiner Olbermann, Anna Skorobogatova, Francesco Solombrino, Riccardo Tione, and Caterina Ida Zeppieri.
Organizers: Vito Crismale, Lucia De Luca, Adriana Garroni, Annalisa Malusa, Emanuele Spadaro.
Speakers: Alessio Figalli, Mikaela Iacobelli, Maria Giovanna Mora, Heiner Olbermann, Filippo Santambrogio, Anna Skorobogatova, Dejan Slepčev, Francesco Solombrino, Riccardo Tione, Caterina Ida Zeppieri.