Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Hausdorff School "Analysis of PDEs: Variational and Geometric Perspectives"

created by laux1 on 13 Feb 2023

10 jul 2023 - 14 jul 2023   [open in google calendar]


The analysis of a broad class of static and evolutionary problems is essentially based on an understanding of the variational and geometric nature of the underlying partial differential equations. A particular focus of the school is to explain the state-of-the-art techniques and tools required for such problems. The goal of this summer school is therefore to introduce graduate students and young researchers to a selection of fascinating problems in this highly active research area. The courses can be supplemented by presentations of the participating students about their research projects.

Lecture Series by:

Adriana Garroni (Sapienza University of Rome), Alexander Mielke (WIAS Berlin and Humboldt University Berlin), Maria Giovanna Mora (University of Pavia), Ian Tobasco (University of Illinois Chicago).

Organizers: Sebastian Hensel, Tim Laux, Kerrek Stinson.

Speakers: Adriana Garroni, Alexander Mielke, Maria Giovanna Mora, Ian Tobasco.