Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Summer School on PDEs and Randomness

created by mattesini on 03 Sep 2022
modified on 15 Feb 2023

10 may 2023 - 24 may 2023   [open in google calendar]

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig

The purpose of this summer school is to introduce young researchers to cutting-edge topics at the interface of PDEs and probability theory. Over the course of five mini-courses, leading researchers will present introductions to their areas of research.

Additionally, there will be tutorial sessions organized by the junior participants with support from the organizers.

Funding towards travel and accommodation is available for early career participants such as postdoctoral researchers, PhD and master students.

Registration is now closed.

Organizers: Rishabh Gvalani, Francesco Mattesini, Felix Otto, Markus Tempelmayr.

Speakers: Roland Bauerschmidt, Bjoern Bringmann, Mitia Duerinckx, Eva Kopfer, Nicolas Perkowski.