Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Trends in Calculus of Variations and PDEs

created by baroni on 10 May 2022

18 may 2022 - 20 may 2022   [open in google calendar]


The past decade has witnessed enormous advances and progress in the fields of Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations. The new research, along with the developments of novel tools, techniques and ideas, at the same time has led to the formation of many challenging and fundamental open problems, that as ever, point at interesting and deep connections inside and outside mathematics. These range from real and harmonic analysis, algebraic and differential topology on the one hand to geometric analysis, regularity theory for elliptic systems, geometric measure theory, nonlinear elasticity and fluid mechanics on the other. The aim of the conference is to address some of these developments through a series of lectures and talks by some of the leading researchers in the fields.

Organizers: Vishvesh Kumar, Michael Ruzhansky, Ali Taheri (Sussex).

Speakers: Jonathan Bennett, Matteo Bonforte, Nicolas Burq, Gui-Quiang Chen, Serena Dipierro, Piotr Hajlasz, Emmanuel Hebey, Jan Kristensen, Jens Marklof, Govind Menon, Giuseppe Mingione, Clement Mouhot, Tadahiro Oh, Fraydoun Rezakhanlou, Gigliola Staffilani, Mitsuru Sugimoto, Enrico Valdinoci, Neshan Wickramasekera.