Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Ph.D. Course on Generalized Young Measures

created by malchiodi on 15 Mar 2021

24 mar 2021   [open in google calendar]

Via Zoom

Dear Colleague,

I am writing to kindly ask you to advertise the following graduate course on Generalized Young Measures which I will teach at the board and stream over Zoom (link to the abstract and notes in the PS below). I hope that the material might be relevant to PhD students and postdocs with an interest in Calculus of Variations, but of course everyone is welcome to attend. Interested people should write to and I will add them to the mailing list and send them the Zoom link. Lectures will be on Wednesday mornings European time, starting 17.03, and will last until July.

Thank you very much.

With best wishes, Bogdan Raita

P.S. The lecture notes: https:/www.mis.mpg.depublicationsother-seriesln4520.html

Speakers: Bogdan Raita.