Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

The Third Symposium on Analysis and PDEs

created by danielli on 11 Mar 2007
modified on 28 Apr 2017

27 may 2007 - 30 may 2007   [open in google calendar]

Third Symposium on Analysis and PDEs

Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

May 27-30, 2007

Short Description: The Symposium will focus on recent developments in Partial Differential Equations and their applications. It will consist of two four-hours minicourses presented by the principal lecturers (application of curvature flows in general relativity and the theory of fast diffusion), and ten one-hour lectures given by the invited speakers. There will also be time allocated for contributed talks. The aim of this initiative is twofold. First, it is intended to introduce prospective and young researchers to a larger mathematical community and help them to establish professional connections with key figures in their areas of interest. Second, it will provide an opportunity to summarize some of the most recent progress in the fields, exchange ideas towards the solution of open questions, and formulate new problems and avenues of research.

Principal Lecturers: Gerhard Huisken (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany): Isoperimetric Inequalities Related to Mass and Energy in General Relativity.

Juan Luis Vazquez (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain): Theory of Fast Diffusion.

Invited Speakers: Patricia Bauman (Purdue University); Panagiota Daskalopoulos (Columbia University); Inwon Kim (University of California at Los Angeles); Juan Manfredi (University of Pittsburgh); Lei Ni (University of California at San Diego); Dejan Slepcev (Carnegie Mellon University); Lihe Wang (University of Iowa); Brian White (Stanford University); Yu Yuan (University of Washington).

Scientific Program: Professor Huisken will describe some recent progress in geometric analysis, in particular mean curvature and inverse mean curvature flows which are used in the proof of isoperimetric inequalities related to the mass and energy in the theory of general relativity. Professor Vazquez will discuss the mathematical theory of nonlinear fast diffusion process. His lectures will touch upon well-posedness of the equations, existence and non-existence of solutions, their regularity and asymptotic behaviors, and related geometric models. The invited speakers will present a variety of interrelated topics from geometry, free boundary value problems and various applications in applied science. The contributed talks will also be in subjects close to the main themes of the Symposium.

Support: Some funds are available to help support the participation of graduate students, postdoctoral faculty, and active senior researchers who do not have grant support. We especially encourage people who belong to currently underrepresented groups (women and minorities) to apply.

Organizers: Donatella Danielli (, Nicola Garofalo (, Arshak Petrosyan (, Aaron Yip (

Conference secretary: Julie Morris (

Sponsors: National Science Foundation, Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications

Information: daniellisymposium.html