5 mar 2018 - 8 mar 2018 [open in google calendar]
University of Regensburg
We are pleased to announce the workshop “Geometric Evolution Equations” that will be held at the University of Regensburg, March 5-8, 2018.
The aim of the conference is to gather experts workingin Geometric evolution equations such as surface diffusion, mean curvature, Ricci and Willmore flows.
There will be invited lectures and a limited amount of contributed talks. If you are interested in giving a contributed talk, please send us a title and brief abstract (deadline: January 31, 2018).
For young participants there will be the possibility to present a poster, please send us a title (deadline: February 28, 2018).
Limited financial support for young researchers is available (deadline: December 31, 2017).
Contact: Alessandra Pluda <alessandra.pluda@ur.de>
Organizers: Helmut Abels, Georg Dolzmann, Harald Garcke, Alessandra Pluda.
Speakers: Antonin Chambolle (TBC), Ernst Kuwert, Carlo Mantegazza (TBC), Rafe Mazzeo, Matteo Novaga, Marcello Ponsiglione, Paola Pozzi, Felix Schulze, Miles Simon, Peter Topping, Glen Wheeler.