Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Sub-Riemannian days 2017

created by rizzi1 on 20 Aug 2017
modified on 22 Aug 2017

17 oct 2017 - 18 oct 2017   [open in google calendar]

Institut Fourier (Grenoble)

The purpose of this meeting is to share recent results and ideas in sub-Riemannian geometry and related fields, with the aim of reinforcing the cooperation between different research groups at the national and international level. The first edition of such initiative, in 2016 (dedicated in particular to sub-Riemannian diffusion) attracted more than 30 participants coming from France and abroad.

Following the success of the first edition, we will hold in 2017 a new two-days edition. This new event is in particular devoted to the interactions with optimal transport, geometric measure theory, and regularity of goedesics.


The registration is mandatory, and will close officially the 24th September 2017. A social dinner is planned the 17th of October, please confirm your presence in the registration form.

Organizers: Davide Barilari, Grégoire Charlot, Yves Colin de Verdière, Herve Pajot, Luca Rizzi.

Speakers: Roberta Ghezzi, Nicolas Juillet, Roberto Monti, Pierre Pansu, Severine Rigot, Filippo Santambrogio, Mario Sigalotti.