8 dec 2016 - 12 dec 2016 [open in google calendar]
Novosibirsk, Russia
International Conference Geometric Analysis and Control Theory will take place in Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia, December, 8 – 12, 2016. The conference has been organized by the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS and International Mathematics Center. The aim of the event is to invite researchers from different places for reporting recent progress and discussing further problems appearing at the intersection of analysis, geometry and applications. Arising complicated applied problems of physics, technology and economics lead to necessity of creation of new fundamental concepts of (sub)riemannian geometry and geometric analysis, and inventing new methods to solve them. Our aim is to provide an opportunity for both experts and young researchers to discuss their results and to start new collaboration.
Organizers: Sergey Basalaev, Anastasia Molchanova, Yury Reshetnyak, Sergey Vodopyanov.