14 feb 2016 - 19 feb 2016 [open in google calendar]
Institute for Mathematics University of Würzburg Germany
Confirmed speakers:
Sergio Conti (University of Bonn, Germany) Variational Modeling of Crystal Plasticity and Dislocations
Irene Fonseca (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Epitaxy, Quantum Dots and Dislocations: Dynamics of Material Defects
Claude Le Bris (Ecole des Ponts and INRIA, France) Nonperiodic Problems in Multiscale Materials Science: Toward a Theory of Defects and Efficient Stochastic Approaches
There will also be poster sessions.
The application deadline is 15 November 2015. Limited financial support is available.
Organizers: Anja Schlömerkemper and Barbora Benesova