Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

19th Internet Seminar: Infinite Dimensional Analysis

created by miranda on 18 Jul 2015
modified on 28 Apr 2017

13 oct 2015 - 4 jun 2016   [open in google calendar]

Final Worshop in Casalmaggiore, Cremona (Italy), May 30th to June 4th 2016

The I-Sem is a well-established series of courses in the field of Mathematical Analysis. It introduces master, Ph.D. students and postdocs to subjects related to functional analysis and evolution equations. As usual, the course consists of three phases.

Phase 1 (October-February) The organisers provide a weekly lecture via the ISem website. The participants are expected to study the lecture notes, to solve the proposed problems, to post their remarks and questions in the website, and to post the solutions of the problems, in turn. Participants belonging to the same institution are encouraged to collaborate, possibly under the supervision of a senior local coordinator.

Phase 2 (February-May) The participants form small international groups to work on various projects which supplement the theory of Phase 1 and provide some applications. Each group is coordinated by a senior mathematician who provides bibliographical material and help.

Phase 3 (30 May-4 June, 2016) A final one-week workshop will be held at Istituto Santa Chiara, Casalmaggiore, Cremona (Italy). There the teams will present their projects and some additional lectures will be delivered by leading experts.

The virtual lecturers are Alessandra Lunardi, Michele Miranda and Diego Pallara and the topic is "Infinite dimensional analysis". For more details we refer to the page

Organizers: Alessandra Lunardi, Michele Jr Miranda, Diego Pallara.