11 jun 2001 - 15 jun 2001 [open in google calendar]
TRENTO,\qquad June 11--15, 2001
The aim of the school is to offer an outline of the present state of research concerning geometric measure theory on Carnot--Carath\"eodory groups and on more general metric spaces.
Analysis and Geometry on these structures has been object of extensive research in the last few years, with applications ranging from degenerate elliptic equations to optimal control theory and differential geometry.
It is the intention of the organizers to put together young researchers and well-known researchers active in the field and to encourage informal discussion on current research trends and developments in the area.
Up to now the following speakers have agreed to give the following short courses:
\medskip L. Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Sup. Pisa): {\it "Geometric Measure Theory in Metric Spaces: Sets of Finite Perimeter and Currents in non Euclidean Spaces"}.
\smallskip M. Gromov (IHES - Paris and Courant Institute - New York): Tba. \smallskip
H.M. Reimann (University of Bern - Bern): {\it "Quasiconformal Mappings on Heisenberg Groups and Related Topics"}. \smallskip M. Troyanov (Ecole Polytecnic. - Lausanne): {\it "Axiomatic Sobolev Spaces on Measure Metric Spaces"}. \medskip The school will be held at the Residence Panorama in Sardagna, where participants will also be lodged. Sardagna is a small village near Trento, reachable by the cableway from Trento (near S. Lorenzo bridge). From Monday to Sunday there are cableway runs every quarter from 7:00 to 22:30. The travelling time is 4 minutes. The cost for the full board in a single bedroom at the Residence Panorama is about Lit. 135.000 per day. Sharing the room with another participant the cost for the full board is Lit. 125.000 per day per person. \medskip The school will be financed by the group ``Calcolo delle Variazioni'' of italian MURST and by the CIRM of Istituto Trentino di Cultura. Young researchers are encouraged to participate: it is possible to support some of them upon request.
All persons interested in attending the conference are asked to contact Mr. A. Micheletti, secretary of CIRM, Istituto Trentino di Cultura, 38050 Povo (TRENTO). E-Mail: michelet@science.unitn.it\quad Phone: (39)-0461881628\quad Fax: (39)-0461810629 \bigskip The Organizers:
Luigi Ambrosio, luigi@ambrosio.sns.it
Bruno Franchi, franchib@dm.unibo.it
Raul Serapioni, rauser@mate.polimi.it
Francesco Serra Cassano, cassano@science.unitn.it