4 sep 2013 - 6 sep 2013 [open in google calendar]
Department of Mathematics, University of Padua - Italy.
Mean field games is a recent branch of game theory which proposes to use the tools of physics inside the classical economic axiomatic, to explain (and not only to describe) social and economic phenomena. This means that the agents are rational and are not regarded as just gas particles,or as robots applying some predetermined behavioral strategy: strategic choices are endogenous in the models as they are in game theory. The applications of this theory cover a wide range of social life and economic problems.
We encourage all interested people to participate and to register before July 15. There are no registration fees.
The researchers willing to give a short communication are invited to submit a title and abstract by July 15th.
Limited financial support for young participants is available on request. The deadline for applications is June 30th.
The Scientific committee: Y. Achdou, M. Bardi, I. Capuzzo Dolcetta, P. Cardaliaguet, P. Dai Pra.
The Organizing committee: M. Bardi, A. Cesaroni, M. Fischer, P. Mannucci, C. Marchi.
Organizers: Yves Achdou, Martino Bardi, Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta, Pierre Cardaliaguet, P. Dai Pra.
Speakers: Yves Achdou, D. Bauso, N. Bellomo, A. Bensoussan, P. Caines, Fabio Camilli, Pierre Cardaliaguet, Guillaume Carlier, R. Carmona, F. Delarue, Massimo Fornasier, Diogo Gomes, O. Gueant, M. Huang, Vassili Kolokolktsov, Jean-Michel Lasry, Pierre Louis Lions.