1 mar 2012 - 3 mar 2012 [open in google calendar]
“Trends in Mathematical Analysis” is the first of a series of meetings organized by equadif@polimi, the recently founded research team in differential equations of Politecnico di Milano. The main aim is to put young researchers in contact with leading experts in the fields of calculus of variations and PDEs. This first workshop will cover a wide range of important and challenging topics, such as geometric measure theory, dynamical systems, local and non local optimization, nonlinear phenomena.
Organizers: equadif@polimi group.
Speakers: Luigi Ambrosio, Xavier Cabré, Andrea Cianchi, Gianni Dal Maso, Manuel Del Pino, Eduard Feireisl, Andrea Malchiodi, Alexander Mielke, Giuseppe Mingione, Michael Struwe, Edriss Titi, Augusto Visintin.