Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Indam School on symmetry for elliptic PDEs

created by depascal on 11 Sep 2008
modified on 28 Apr 2017

25 may 2009 - 29 may 2009   [open in google calendar]

"Indam School on symmetry for elliptic PDEs:30 years after a conjecture of De Giorgi and related problems".

Dear collegues,

this is the second announcement of the

"Indam School on symmetry for elliptic PDEs: 30 years after a conjecture of De Giorgi and related problems".

The school will take place at the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, in Rome La Sapienza, on May 25-29, 2009.

The school is open to graduate students and young researchers. The courses will be offered by Professors Xavier Cabre', Manuel del Pino, Ermanno Lanconelli and Ovidiu Savin. A few seminars will be also presented.

The web page of the school is

http:/ valdinocscuola-indam.html

and some lodging information is available at

http:/ valdinoclodging.html

Though the budget of the school is quite limited, and we cannot assure full reimboursement to all the participants, the graduate students and the young researchers which need financial support in order to attend the school are encouraged to request a contribution for travel and lodging expenses by replying to this email (unless you have already done so). The DEADLINE for requesting financial support is October 1.

Any comment or suggestion is also welcome.

Best regards,

Alberto Farina & Enrico Valdinoci