Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Ricci Solitons Days in Pisa 2011

created by root on 01 Feb 2011
modified on 28 Apr 2017

4 apr 2011 - 8 apr 2011   [open in google calendar]

The workshop will concentrate on the recent research about the solitons of the Ricci flow and related topics, like quasi--Einstein metrics, singularity models, the Bakry-Emery tensor and more in general, solitons for other geometric flows, for instance the mean curvature flow.

Participation is free, but registration is required at the webpage of the workshop at http:/www.crm.sns.itevent202

Some financial support is available for young students.

There is also a mailing list for anyone interested in getting up--to--date news at http:/cvgmt.sns.itriccisolspisa

The workshop is partially supported by the FIRB Project Analysis and Beyond, the PRIN Project Trasporto Ottimo di Massa, Disuguaglianze Geometriche e Funzionali e Applicazioni and the ERC Project Geometric Measure Theory in Non Euclidean Spaces.

Confirmed Speakers

Jeffrey S. Case

Esther Cabezas--Rivas

Xiaodong Cao

Qiang Chen

Manuel Fernandez--Lopez

Eduardo Garcia--Rio

Robert Haslhofer

Gerhard Huisken

Jorge Lauret

Ovidiu Monteanu

Aaron Naber

Huy Nguyen

Marco Rigoli

Alberto Setti

Miles Simon

Peter Topping

Xujia Wang

Guofang Wei

Detang Zhou

ScientificOrganizing Committee

Luigi Ambrosio

Huai--Dong Cao

Giovanni Catino

Carlo Mantegazza

Lorenzo Mazzieri

Reto Müller

William Wylie