3 apr 2005 - 8 apr 2005 [open in google calendar]
title: Geometric Measure Theory: Old and New
when: Sunday, April 3rd, to Friday, April 8th 2005
where: Conference Center of Les Diablerets (Switzerland)
The purpose of the Spring School is twofold. The first goal is to have an overview of the main results and applications to the classical theory of rectifiability and currents in Euclidean spaces. The second purpose is to introduce the participants in some of the current research topics in geometric measure theory.
Organizers: Zoltan Balogh (Universität Bern), Martin Reimann (Universität Bern), Marc Troyanov (EPFL).
Speakers: Giovanni Alberti (Università di Pisa), Marianna Csörnyei (UC London), Bernd Kirchheim (Oxford University), Urs Lang (ETHZ), Hervé Pajot (Institut Fourier, Grenoble I), Martina Zaehle (Universität Jena).