Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory


created by chiadopia on 05 Dec 2003
modified on 28 Apr 2017

26 jan 2004 - 28 jan 2004   [open in google calendar]

\magnification=1200 \centerline UNIVERSITY OF ROMA ``TOR VERGATA" \centerline DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS \centerline SCHOOL ON GEOMETRIC EVOLUTION PROBLEMS \centerline ROME, JANUARY 26-28, 2004 \bigskip\noindent SPONSORS: The school is co-sponsored by the GNAMPA-INdAM Project ``Homogenization techniques and asymptotic methods for multiple-scale problems" (co-ordinator: V. Chiadò Piat) and by COFIN 2002 through the National Project ``Calcolo delle Variazioni" (Rome Local Unit co-ordinated by A.Braides). \bigskip\noindent Lecturers and Courses: \bigskip\noindent G. BELLETTINI (University of Roma `Tor Vergata'): Anisotropic and cristalline geometric motions. \bigskip\noindent S. SERFATY (Courant Institute, New York): Gamma-convergence of gradient flows and Ginzburg-Landau vortex dynamics \bigskip\noindent Venue: Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Roma `Tor Vergata' (room to be announced) \bigskip\noindent Timetable to be announced \bigskip\noindent Audience: The School is mainly thought for Ph D students or researchers in the area of (applied) Analysis, but no particular background is required. \bigskip\noindent Further information: Contact V. Chiadò Piat ( or A. Braides (, ). See also http:/\ braides \bigskip\noindent Registration: There is no registration fee but interested people are requested to register by filling the form below and sending it before december 20, 2003, by e-mail to: . Support Limited funds are available to support accomodation expences, only in double room (see registration form below). \bigskip\noindent \bigskip\noindent R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M \smallskip\noindent Name and Surname\smallskip\noindent Institution\smallskip\noindent e-mail\smallskip\noindent address\smallskip\noinden

Speakers: Giovanni Bellettini, Serfaty Sylvia.