Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Pseudodifferential operators, optimal grids, and evolution equations: a case study for micromagnetics

Cyrill Muratov (Università di Pisa)

created by novaga on 01 Jun 2005

8 jun 2005


Mercoledi` 08-06-2005 (17:30) - Sala Riunioni - Dipartimento di Matematica

Cyrill Muratov (NJIT) terra` un seminario dal titolo: "Pseudodifferential operators, optimal grids, and evolution equations: a case study for micromagnetics"

Abstract: Pseudodifferential operators, such as the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for the Laplace's equation in half-space often arise in nonlinear problems, and, in particular, in the context of pattern formation. Efficient numerical methods can therefore be very useful in understanding the spatiotemporal dynamics in these complex nonlinear systems. In this talk, I will review a number of examples of models in developmental biology, semiconductors physics, and micromagnetics in which pseudodifferential operators play a crucial role. I will then discuss several implementations of optimal grids for the numerical studies of the domain wall structures in thin film micromagnetics and present an important new type of solutions found in these studies.