Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Configuration Spaces Over Metric Measure Spaces

Kohei Suzuki

created by ambrosio on 07 Sep 2019
modified on 08 Sep 2019

11 sep 2019 -- 17:00   [open in google calendar]

Aula Bianchi, Scuola Normale Superiore


We shall talk about analytic, geometric and stochastic properties of configuration spaces over metric measure spaces with the Poisson measure. We construct a Dirichlet form on configuration spaces over metric measure spaces based on Ma-Röckner '00. In the case of the Poisson measure, we show Rademacher's theorem, the Sobolev-to-Lipschitz property, Curvature-Dimension conditions, and the stability of Dirichlet forms. We further study the corresponding diffusion processes identified with infinite particle systems of diffusion processes in the base space. This is a joint work with Lorenzo Dello Schiavo from Bonn University.