Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

A minimizing problem with two constraint conditions

Norihisa Ikoma

created by malchiodi on 04 Dec 2017
modified on 11 Dec 2017

14 dec 2017 -- 16:00   [open in google calendar]

Scuola Normale Superiore, Aula Curie


In this talk, we consider a minimizing problem which is related to some nonlinear Schroedinger system. This minimizing problem has two constraint conditions and bounded potentials. Assuming some conditions on the bounded potentials, we show that every minimizing sequence has a strongly convergent subsequence and the minimizing problem is solvable. This is based on joint work with Yasuhito Miyamoto (Univ. of Tokyo) and Kazune Takahashi (Univ. of Tokyo).