Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Besicovitch's magic method and problems of minimal resistance

Alexander Plakhov

created by dicastro on 09 Dec 2013
modified on 12 Dec 2013

18 dec 2013 -- 16:00   [open in google calendar]

Aula Seminari - Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa


We consider piecewise smooth functions $u : \bar{\Omega} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ defined on the closure of a bounded domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2$ satisfying the conditions $u(x)<0$ for $x\in \Omega $ and $u(x)=0$ for $x\in\partial \Omega$ (in other words, the graph of $u$ forms a "dimple" on the plane).

We also consider a flow of particles that fall on the graph of $u$ vertically down and reflect from it in the perfectly elastic manner. It is assumed that u satisfies the so-called "single impact condition" (SIC): each particle reflected at a non-singular point of the graph, further moves freely above the graph until it leaves the dimple. This condition can be stated analytically as follows: for any regular point $x\in\Omega$ and any $t > 0$ such that $x - t \nabla u ( x ) \in \bar{\Omega}$, \[ \frac{u(x − t\nabla u(x)) − u(x)}{t} \leq \frac 1 2(1 −
\nabla u(x)
^2). \tag{1} \] The force of resistance of the dimple to the flow (more precisely, the vertical projection of this force) equals $2\rho
R(u; \Omega)$, where $ρ$ is the flow density, $
$ is the area of $\Omega$, and \[ R(u;\Omega) = \frac{1}{
} \int_\Omega \frac{dx}{1+
\nabla u(x)
^2}. \] This formula is true provided that the SIC (1) is fulfilled.

The problem is: minimize the value of "specific resistance" $R(u; \Omega)$. It has two versions which are eventually equivalent: (a) $\inf_{u,\Omega} R(u; \Omega)$ (b) $\inf_{u} R(u;\Omega)$ for a given $\Omega$. Obviously, $\sup R(u; \Omega) = 1$ and $\inf R(u; \Omega) \geq 1/2$. The main question is to find if $\inf R(u; \Omega) > 1/2$ or $\inf R(u; \Omega) = 1/2$. I will prove that the latter is true. This result is somewhat counterintuitive: one needs to provide a sequence of functions with the slope of the graph being "almost" $45^\circ$ in the most part of the region $\Omega$. That is, most part of reflected particles move "almost" horizontally and do not meet obstacles on the way. A part of the construction is borrowed from Besicovitch’s solution of the Kakeya problem: what is the minimum area of a plane region in which a unit line segment can be rotated continuously through $360^\circ$.