Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Some remarks on the theory of elasticity for compressible eohookean materials

Camillo De Lellis (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)

created by tomarelli on 03 Dec 2001

6 dec 2001


Giovedi' 6 dicembre alle 18 i seminario di Calcolo delle Variazioni sara' tenuto da Camillo De Lellis, ecco titolo ed abstract:

Some remarks on the theory of elasticity for compressible eohookean materials

In this talk I will present some results contained in a joint work with Sergio Conti. In Neohookean elasticity one minimizes functionals which depend on the $L^2$ norm of the deformation gradient, plus a nonlinear function of the determinant, with some notion of invertibility to represent non-interpenetrability of matter. An existence theory which includes a precise notion of invertibility and allows for cavitation was formulated by Müller and Spector, however only for the case where some $L^p$-norm of the gradient with $p>2$ is controlled (in three dimensions). We first characterize their class of functions in terms of properties of the associated rectifiable current. Then we address the physically relevant $p=2$ case, and show how their notion of invertibility can be extended to $p=2$. The class of functions so obtained is however not closed. We prove this by giving an explicit construction, which has interesting consequences even in other frameworks.