Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Curvature estimates and Bernstein type results for parametric variational problems

Sven Winklmann

created by magnani on 10 Nov 2005
modified on 01 Dec 2005

17 nov 2005


Cari Amici,

Gioved{\'\i} 17 Novembre, alle ore 17:30, nella Sala dei Seminari del Dipartimento di Matematica, Sven Winklmann, dell'Universitaet Duisburg-Essen e attualmente al Centro De Giorgi, comincerĂ  il ciclo di seminari di Calcolo delle Variazioni parlando di:

"Curvature estimates and Bernstein type results for parametric variational problems"

Segue l'estratto della presentazione.

In this talk we consider immersed hypersurfaces in euclidean $(n+1)$-space which are stationary with respect to an elliptic parametric functional with integrand $F=F(N)$ depending on normal directions. We derive a generalized Simons' inequality for the Laplacian of the length of the anisotropic second fundamental form with respect to a perturbed metric associated with $F$. As a consequence, we show that curvature estimates leading to a Bernstein type result for stable hypersurfaces of dimension $n \leq 5$ can be proved if $F$ is $C^3$-close to the area integrand. In particular, this extends the well-known curvature estimates of Schoen-Simon-Yau for stable minimal hypersurfaces as well as Simon's estimate for $F$-minimizers. Finally, we briefly discuss the application of our estimates to the corresponding non-parametric problem.