Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Tre problemi di ottimizzazione in teoria del trasporto

Giuseppe Buttazzo (Dip. Mat. Univ. Pisa)

created by alberti on 13 Feb 2004
modified on 16 Feb 2004

19 feb 2004


seminari del gruppo di calcolo delle variazioni __________________________

dovequando: Giovedi' 19 febbraio, ore 14.30, centro De Giorgi

chi: Giuseppe Buttazzo (Universita' di Pisa)

cosa: Tre problemi di ottimizzazione in teoria del trasporto (Three optimization problems in transport theory)


abstract: We give a model for the description of an urban transportation network and we consider the related optimization problem which consists in finding the desing of the network which has the best transportation performances. This will be done by introducing, for every admissible network, a suitable metric space with a distance that inserted into the Monge-Kantorovich cost functional provides the criterion to be optimized. Together with the optimal design of an urban transportation network, other kinds of optimization problems related to mass transportation can be considered. In particular we will illustrate some models for the optimal design of a city, and for the optimal pricing policy on a given transportation network. __________________________

posted by Giovanni Alberti