Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Aubry set and applications

Antonio Siconolfi (Roma I)

created by alberti on 08 Feb 2005

16 feb 2005


Seminari di calcolo delle variazioni

when: Wednesday, February 16, at 6 pm

where: Departiment of Mathematics, Sala delle Riunioni

speaker: Antonio Siconolfi (Roma I)

title: Aubry set and applications

abstract: For a given Hamiltonian $H(x,p)$ continuous and quasiconvex in the second argument, defined in $R^N \times R^N$ or on the cotangent bundle of a compact boundaryless manifold, we consider the equation $H=c$ with $c$  critical value,  i.e. for which the equation admits locally Lipschitz--continuous a.e. subsolutions, but not strict subsolutions. We show that there is a subset of the state variable space, called Aubry set and denoted by  $\A$, where the obstruction to the existence of such subsolution is concentrated. We give a metric characterization of $\A$, and we discuss its main properties. They are applied to a projection problem in a Banach space, to the study of the large-time behavior of subsolutions to a time-dependent Hamilton-Jacobi equation, and to construct a Lyapunov function for a perturbed dynamics, under suitable stability assumptions.