Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Shape optimization by $\Gamma$-convergence tools

Edouard Oudet (Univ. de Savoie , Chambery)

created by depascal on 09 Apr 2010

14 apr 2010


The next CVGMT seminar will be:

Wednesday, April 14 At 5 PM, Aula seminari, Dipartimento di Matematica

Prof. Edouard Oudet (Univ. de Savoie, Chambery)

TITLE: Shape optimization by $\Gamma$-convergence tools

ABSTRACT: We present in this talk two completely different examples of the use of $\Gamma$-convergence results to model and approximate geometrical objects. The first example is related to optimal tillings in 2D and 3D whith respect to spectral energies. The second part adresses the problem of optimal irrigation networks approximation .